Winterizing your pool is easy.

November 2, 2023

Winter is almost here, and it's time to think about winterizing your pool! To avoid unpleasant surprises, here's some advice!

Winterize your pool properly

Winter is almost here, and it's time to think about winterizing your pool! To avoid unpleasant surprises when you put your pool back into service next summer, here are a few tips and steps to follow when winterizing your pool.  Winterizing your pool will depend on the region in which you live, so it may be advisable to carry out a full winterization or a semi-winterization.

Full (passive) or half (active) winterization?

If you live in the central or northern regions of France, we advise you to winterize your pool completely.

Total winterization involves completely shutting down the filtration pump and water treatments. This annual maintenance operation will preserve your pool and its equipment. If you're considering total winterizing, you'll need to lower the water level slightly, cover your pool with a winterizing tarpaulin and switch off the filtration system. The pool is then completely shut down for the entire winter season.

For regions in the South of France, we recommend semi-wintering. Keep your pool filtered at a reduced rate. Simply slow down the filtration, and clean your pool when it's ready for the next summer season.


Automation solutions: intelligent electrical panels

To make things easier for you, even in winter, CCEI offers you the Meteor panel with its pro frost protection mode! Supplied with a temperature sensor, the Meteor panel adapts filtration according to the temperature of the pond water, to prevent freezing in the pipes!